Terms and Conditions


Before using this website, please read the terms and conditions and the Privacy policy and Cookies carefully. By using this website or placing an order, you comply with the terms and conditions and the Privacy policy and Cookies. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions and the Privacy policy and Cookies, we ask you to leave the website.

Please bear in mind that the terms and conditions may change. We assure you that we will publish any possible changes on this website. We recommend that you read the terms and conditions whenever you visit this website or place an order, as the current terms and conditions in the course of the formalization of the suitable contract (as defined below) may change and the valid version is published on the website.

If you have any questions regarding our terms and conditions and the Privacy policy and Cookies, we invite you to contact us using our contact form.

The company authorized for the sale of items on this website is:

ulica Kotnikova 36
1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The company is registered in Slovenia.

You can contact us by e-mail at info@candles-fantasy.com or by calling +386-68-172-813.

Using the website

By using and placing orders through this website, you agree that:
- you use the website only for the submission of legally valid inquiries and orders,
- you do not place false or fraudulent orders; if we detect such an order, we will cancel it and inform the competent authorities,
- you guarantee that your e-mail address, postal address and/or other information is true and correct; by this you also agree that we may use this information to contact you, if necessary (see our Privacy policy and Cookies), and you confirm that you have unrestricted access to your e-mail address, address and/or other information

If you do not provide us with all the necessary information, it will not be possible to carry out the order.
By placing an order on this website you declare that you are over 15 years old and are legally entitled to conclude contracts.

Accessibility of information

SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P. commits to provide the following information to the buyer before the conclusion of a contract with him, or before the offer is binding for the consumer:
- information about the company SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P. (the company's name and headquarters, registration number) and contact information that allow the user to communicate quickly and efficiently (e-mail address, telephone number),
- essential attributes of the items,
- accessibility of the items,
- terms of delivery (and method, place and deadline of delivery),
- prices which must be clearly and unambiguously determined; it must also be shown whether they already contain taxes and delivery costs and other charges,
- method of payment and delivery or fulfillment,
- the time limit within which it is possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for the withdrawal (description of the right of withdrawal in accordance with the Article 43.č ZVPot (Consumer Protection Act); if the consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the Article 43.č ZVPot, he is expressly informed thereof)
- explanation of the complaint procedure, including all the information concerning the contact person or customer support.

Order confirmation

SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P. reviews the received order and checks the availability of the ordered items. The contract between SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P. and the buyer is concluded when SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P., sends the first e-mail to the buyer with the status ’order received and being processed’.

Procedure of order confirmation:
1. When placing an order, it is necessary to follow the on-line purchase procedure.
2. Once you have provided all the necessary information, confirm the order by clicking on the button Order.
3. Then you receive a return e-mail confirming that your order has been received (status 'order received and being processed').
4. If the ordered items are in stock, the order is processed and confirmed with an e-mail that it was shipped (status 'order confirmed and shipped').

A distance contract is concluded only for items that are in stock, which is confirmed in an e-mail with the status 'order confirmed and shipped’. If it turns out that the ordered item is not in stock, the contract will not be concluded until you are notified of the change in status of availability.

Transfer of risk and item ownership

At the moment you pay and/or take delivery of the ordered items, you become their owner and bear full responsibility for them.

Prices and payment methods

The prices on this website are listed on the item's presentation pages and include VAT (unless expressly stated otherwise), but do not include the delivery and the fees of payment methods providers. Prices are valid at the time of placing the order and do not have a predefined validity.
Prices at the end of the order depend on the chosen payment and delivery method and are clearly stated in all steps of ordering.

Liability limitation

Despite the exceptional effort to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, information on the item price on our page may be incorrect. In this case, SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P., will inform the buyer of the change immediately and allow him to withdraw from the purchase. If we are not able to contact you, we will consider the order to be canceled. In the case that you have already paid the ordered items and then cancel the order, we will refund the entire purchase price.

If you notice any deviation or error in the price, please inform us by sending us an e-mail to info@candles-fantasy.com.

As a rule, discounts, promotional codes, etc. do not add together and exclude all other promotional codes and discount coupons, unless expressly stated otherwise.

For paying you can use a debit or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners), PayPal or payment (cash) on delivery. When paying by debit or credit card make sure that they support 3D Secure protocol. 3D Secure protocol offers additional security with online shopping. If your card does not support 3D Secure, we advise you make your payment by using PayPal or pay on delivery (with cash or card).

When placing the order, you confirm that the card that is the subject of the payment method is yours. If you cannot confirm this during the purchase process, you cannot conclude a contract with us. To ensure the security, your card data will be encrypted.

In order to ensure that you have enough funds on the card, we will retain the amount of your order from your card after receiving your order. The amount will be deducted from your account by the competent bank when the ordered items are dispatched.

If you choose to pay by PayPal, debit or credit card, we will deduct the amount from your account once we confirm your order.

Purchasing as a guest

On this website, you can also place an order as a guest. With this kind of purchase, we will only ask you for the information that is essential for processing your order. If you choose to continue your purchase as a registered user, you can register during the sales process and at the end of it.

Refund policy

Right to withdraw from the contract

As a natural person (consumer) you have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason, within 14 days from receiving the goods. The withdrawal period of the contract expires within 14 days from the day you or a third party – that is not the carrier and is designated by you, acquires the goods. In the case of several items in one order, which are delivered individually, after 14 days from the day when the last item is delivered to you or a third party – that is not the carrier and is designated by you.

If you wish to exercise your right to withdraw from the contract, make an unambiguous statement (by letter or e-mail) and notify the company SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P., by sending a letter to ulica Kotnikova 36, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, by calling +386-68-172-813, by sending an e-mail to info@candles-fantasy.com, or by using our contact form. To withdraw from the contract you can also use Contract withdrawal form; however, that is not necessary. In order to withdraw from the contract in time, it is enough you send a notice about exercising the right to withdraw in due time.

Consequences of withdrawal from the contract

If you withdraw from the contract, we will refund all the payments you have made, including the delivery cost (except additional costs that were incurred due to your choice of delivery that is different from the standard delivery we offer). Refund will be made immediately and no later than in 14 days from the date we were informed about your withdrawal from the contract. We will refund you the purchase money in the same way the payment was made. However, we can withhold the refund until you return the goods or until you prove that you have sent them back or until you let us know you would return them by courier and give them the goods.

You need to return the goods by sending them to us, by bringing them to our store in Slovenia or returning them by courier provided by us, immediately and no later than 14 days from the date we were informed about your withdrawal from the contract. Goods are returned in time if you send them to us before the ending of 14-day period, or you bring them to one of our stores in Slovenia in 14 days, or you let us know in 14 days that you would return the goods by courier. If you do not return the goods by a carrier provided by us or bring it to our store in Slovenia, you bear the direct cost of return.

Contractual right to withdraw

Regardless of any consequences for legally renowned right to withdraw for consumers, until the reversal of written above, or without them, we guarantee you a 30-day period from the date of delivery to return the goods (except for those goods mentioned in the paragraph below, which you are not entitled to withdraw from).

If you return the goods in the contractual period, when you have the right to withdraw, but after the statutory period, we will reimburse you the purchase money for goods (except the amounts listed in the paragraph below that we are not obliged to return); however, we will not reimburse you the delivery costs. You bear the costs of returning the goods, except if you return the goods in our store in Slovenia or return it by a carrier provided by us. You can exercise the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the provisions stated above. However, if you notify us about your withdrawal from the contract after the statutory period, you need to return the goods within a 30-day period from the delivery nevertheless.

Common provisions
You are not entitled to withdraw from the contract in the case of delivery of the following goods:
- custom-made items,
- sealed items which are not suitable for return for hygienic reasons and which were unsealed after the delivery.

The goods should be returned in the original packaging. Your right of withdrawal from the contract applies exclusively for goods returned in the same condition as they were received. You are responsible for any diminished value of the goods as a result of handling them differently than necessary to preserve their properties, characteristics and performance. We are not obligated to refund the purchase money for goods if their value is reduced due to their improper handling, and if the goods were not only open but also used. Therefore, you should handle the goods with care during the time they are in your possession.

Material defects and complaints

If you find out on delivery that the goods are not such as specified in the contract (assertion of the so-called material defect), you must contact us if you want to assert your legal rights within the contractually defined period. This can be done with filling out the return form enclosed to the package where you provide details of the item and describe the defect. You must also fill in the electronic form for free return and follow the instructions to return the damaged goods.

The purchase money for items returned for damage or defect (if it actually exists) will be refunded in full, including delivery charges and costs incurred by returning the item. We will refund the purchase money in the same way as the payment was made.

All your rights, recognized by applicable law, will in any case be taken into account.

The consumer can assert his rights if he informs us about the defect in 2 months from the day when the defect was discovered. The seller is not responsible for any defects in goods that appear after 2 years from acceptance of delivery. Please contact us using the contact form, where you also accurately describe the defect in goods.

We would like to warn you that the items may differ from each other and those on the photo. Minor deviations are possible, since it is impossible to provide perfectly equal items.

Intellectual property

All texts, images, graphics, videos, and other materials on the website are subject to copyright protection or other forms of intellectual property protection. Website content may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, or modified and published on other websites.

Prohibitions and restrictions

You should not use this website illicitly for illegal or prohibited purposes, disable it or damage it.

Links to other websites

Our website includes links to other websites. We do not have control over their content and are, therefore, not responsible for any damage resulting from their use.

Written communication

The applicable regulations require that certain information and notices are sent to you in writing. Most of the communication on this website will be in electronic format. We will notify you by posting notices on this website or sending you contracts, notices and other information by e-mail. You do not need to acknowledge the receipt of our notices unless otherwise stated in our electronic communication.
If you want to send us any kind of message or notice, we invite you to do so using our contact form. You can learn more about protecting your information in our Privacy policy.

Transfer of rights and obligations

You may not forward, resign or transfer the contract or any rights or obligations arising out of it in any way without first obtaining our written consent. The Contract, or any right and obligation deriving from it, may be transferred by SERGEY ZHERDEV S.P. at any time during its period of validity to a third party.

Force majeure

We are not responsible for any failure or delay in complying with any obligations that we assume with a contract, if caused by events that we can not influence (’force majeure’).

Renunciation of rights

Potential non exercising of our rights from the contract does not mean that we also renounce of them in other cases.

Partial cancellation

If the appropriate authority declares any of these conditions or any provision of the contract null and void, the remaining conditions remain valid without being affected by a restricted annulment.

Our right to change conditions

We reserve the right to supplement and modify our business conditions at any time. The terms valid at the time you use this website and at the time you place an order are valid for you.

Applicable legislation

The contract is judged under the applicable law in the Republic of Slovenia.

Complaints and disputes

If you as a consumer believe that your rights have been violated, you can send us your complaint to our e-mail address pomoc@emporium.si. We will try to settle the filed complaints by agreement and as quickly as possible.

Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
As a buyer in our on-line store, you are entitled to out-of-court dispute resolution in accordance with the Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (ZIsRPS). Consumer disputes can be settled out of court via the European Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform.

Comments and suggestions

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Together with inquiries, complaints and requests, you can submit them to us using our contact form, at the phone number  +386-68-172-813  (from Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 17:00) or at info@candles-fantasy.com. Complaints and requests will be handled as soon as possible and we will do everything in our power to satisfy you.

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