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Pravoslavne sveče zasedajo pomembno mesto v krščanski tradiciji, simbolizirajo Kristusovo luč in služijo kot bistveni element v liturgičnih obredih.
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Pravoslavne sveče imajo globok pomen v življenju vernikov, simbolizirajo svetlobo Kristusa in razsvetljitev duše.
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Bekro dyes are designed for coloring candles made from wax, paraffin, stearin, and other materials.
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Although dandelion is a ubiquitous weed, it can heal many diseases. This plant has been used since ancient times in folk medicine. Official medicine also recognizes the undeniable benefits of treatment with this plant.
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The traditional recipe for making them is considered to be the use of beeswax without dyes and additives.
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They were made by the Romans from animal fat very early on to be used in honor of the birth of Artemis (the goddess) on the sixth day of each lunar month.
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The church cannot be imagined without church candles. They can be seen in any church. For many Christians, church life is limited to just a candle that they light for the repose or health of loved ones. But when and why did they appear in Christianity? What do they really mean?
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Easter candles are a special attribute of the holiday, which is especially revered by believers. These candles have the power to help get rid of illnesses and sorrows, give protection from troubles, bless in all endeavors. Easter candles are made from foundation, wax.
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DIPED CANDLES are the most ancient and very beautiful candles - for many centuries dipped candles have been used in magic and energy practices.
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Starting from 2017, every year on April 30, candlemakers from all over the world get a unique opportunity to meet for a holiday - International Candlemaker's Day, designed to unite absolutely all, without exception, masters - from beginners to real pros!
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