Last items in stock Sveče Pakiranje 500 cerkvenih sveč, 17 cm dolgih in 6 mm debelih. 10071-017-6-500 € 54.90 - Količina: 500 kosov; - Dolžina: 17 cm; - Čas gorenja: približno 1 ura; - Material: čebelji vosek; - Teža na svečo: 6 g. Add to cart
2 - 3 working days within Slovenia. Abroad 10 - 15 working days. Sveče 500 pcs. Orthodox Candles (21 cm / 8.27 in long, 7 mm / 0.28 in thick) 10071-500 € 82.35 Quantity: 500 pcs. Burning time about 1.5 hours, 21 cm long and 7 mm thick. Material: beeswax; Weight of each candle: 6 g. Add to cart
2 - 3 working days within Slovenia. Abroad 10 - 15 working days. Sveče 500 pcs. beeswax Church Candles (17 cm / 6.69 in long and 5 mm / 0.20 in thick). 100%... 10071-017-5-500 € 48.31 Quantity: 500 pcs; Burning time about 40 min.; 17 cm long and 5 mm thick; Material: beeswax; Weight of each candle: 5 g; Total weight: 2,2 kg Add to cart