2 - 3 working days within Slovenia. Abroad 10 - 15 working days. Sveče Cerkevne sveče 24 cm dolge in 8 mm debele, čas gorenja približno 160 minut - 100%... 10071-019 From € 6.99 Pristne cerkvene sveče. Čas gorenja približno 160 minut, 24 cm dolge in 8 mm debele sveče iz čebeljega voska bodo obogatile vašo meditacijo, molitev, ritual in domači oltar. Teža vsake sveče je 10 g. Lahko se uporabljajo tudi kot rojstnodnevne sveče. Izdelane iz čebeljega voska: Izberite 100% čist čebelji vosek kot stožčaste sveče za meditacijo, rituale... Add to cart
2 - 3 working days within Slovenia. Abroad 10 - 15 working days. Sveče Large church altar candles 35 cm long and 12,5 mm thick, Burning time about 350 min 10071-035 From € 11.99 Orthodox church altar candles. Burning time about 350 minutes, 35 cm long and 12,5 mm thick beeswax candles will enrich your meditation, prayer, ritual and home altar. Made of beeswax: Choose 100% pure honeycomb beeswax as cone candles for meditation, rituals and romantic occasions. Fine cotton wick candles are made from the purest, non-toxic beeswax.... Add to cart